Remind Me All I Am is Dirt and Love

I think, as humans, we go through a million rebirths a day. Every day, every hour, every minute, every moment, parts of us die and it is our responsibility to revive again and again and again. It's tedious, and it’s difficult, but we do it anyway. We do it, because there is still Love left in us, and that Love is what keeps us alive. Even when you think that you’re not strong enough to Love anymore, that you’re not good enough for Love, that you have no more Love left in must know that when you feel that there is still something very deep inside you calling you to shed away your deaths and forgive yourself, that is Love. That is the start of a rebirth. ◆


Deema, known online as “deemag”, is a 21-year old-Saudi artist who hopes to bring the magic of storytelling to her artwork, films, and other experiments in order to translate her world to the ones who seek a world that welcomes and accepts them in all their different colors. Find her on Instagram and Twitter.