Black silk they call an ocean

Artwork by Anukriti.

الجزء الأول: حريرًا أسودًا يقال عنه بحر

متدلياً من سماء مجردة الألوانِ
حريرًا أسودًا يقال عنه بحرَ
متلبس اليوم ثوب حدادِ
مشدوهة، أهذا بحر صغري
أم سمُيت بحرينًا لأنه في أوضاعه متحولِ

قبل ساعاتٍ رأيتكِ في المنامِ
بعافيةِ ذهبياتٍ وضياءِ

 في لحظاتٍ، على فلكِ
ستزداد السماء عتمة
ليتلاشى سواد البحر إلى سماءِ
ولكن لوهلةٍ موكب عزاءٍ جبارِ
حريرًا أسودًا يضخُ أمواجَ الأوجاعِ
موكب عزاء موّقتِ
بين مغربٍ وليلٍ على وصولِ نديبهِ

 تصل الطائرة الديارَ للذي هو للديار تجسيدٌ
فاستلمنا موكب الحرير الأسودِ
رايته سماءٌ غزيرةٌ
شعاراتَهُ بالرماديات مطرزة
خيوطًا ناعمةً صُبغَتْ بصفاء وجودكِ
فلامست الراية أوجاعي
واعتلى صوتها هياجًا في سماءِ سكونٍ
ينعي أم الأمهاتِ

 واتبعت حشد العزاءِ
سبحت فيه
وأيقنت أنه برفقٍ يصلني إليكِ، دياري
وجسدي في عويله
زينبًا تنعي حسينًا
ذو الجناح يقبل دون راكبهِ

وانتكست إلى حصيِ ورمالِ
جالسةً في مقعد يطل على الأكوانِ
توقفت الأرجل عن مساندتي
فاحتضنتني لدانة الليل تعزيني

 قالت برفقٍ إذ رميتي
الأيادي سماءً ولطمتي
فجئناه زحفًا ثم مشينا
،وركضًا عند رؤية موكب البحرِ
لنلتوي في ثيابكِ، معطرة وترفرف
نسيمًا في رعدٍ مبهمِ
يقول حتى في الممات لا تحزني
فدَنَوتُ من الموكب المهيب الحريري
واتبعتكِ يا ديار دياري

الجزء الثاني: ثلاث تصادفاتٍ في الملتقى

أولها، أول أبنائكِ بشدةٍ يضمنا
ثلاثة أجسادٍ في مكانها تلتوي
مكسور الخاطرِ في قبضته ملتزمًا
بقدر ما عرفتُ فجرًا ما زالت الأحوال جيدةً
فما كان إلا حلمًا مبهمًا
عقلٌ يحضرُ أفلامًا ما عاشها إلا مشاهدًا
أسابيع تمر لأوقَّنَ أنه ضمكِ دربَ مستشفًا
وثلاثتنا أنتِ

 ثانيها، في ليلةٍ لم تنل الجفون غفوتها
رأيتُ في شعركِ مرورَ أصابعي
مررتها على ذراعيكِ ثم قدميكِ تضاريسًا
نائمة في ضياءٍ فلوريٍ، بياضٍ معقمِ
سماء ليلكِ نجومها أزرةٌ خضراءٌ وأصواتها رنينُ أجهزةِ
نائمةٌ في مرقدي
في منظري مدخنةُ قرميدٌ
وهمساتُ باصاتِ لندن الليليةِ

 وجدتكِ في الملتقى
طفلةً للتو تخطي
خائفةً تارةً
ولامستُ شعرَها خصلاتٍ
مثل ضبابِ شتاءٍ، عابرٍ طري
ملتفًا على طرفِ وجنة صاحبهِ
ما لبثتِ أول كلامتكِ تنطقي
بنظراتِ معرفةٍ عبرتِّ

 بعدها باتت بالسبعٍ أو ثمانٍ بنتًا
احتضنتني وهي تقفزُ حبالَ مرحِ
فقد كان حلمًا
ضحكَتْ مزاحاً وتلاشت البسمة بعجلِ
قلت: لم نلتقِ بعدُ
لكنني عرفتُ البحرَ موجهُ سماويٌ في روحكِ
نطقَتْ: يطلبُ العالم كثيرًا
مررتُ أصابعي في الخصلاتِ
حتى أصبحَتْ مراهقةً
باتت في ذراعيّ، خصلاتها حول أطرافي
في عناقٍ ضاقَ
حتى أصبحَتْ أماً تعرفني
من بعدها
عناقها يسبقُ عناقي
محضونةٌ ودعتُ المنامَ
ردُّ المعروفِ يستحيل لصاحبهِ

 ثالثها، صباحًا توفيتِ
إلى خالقٍ وإلى أبديةٍ جردتْ العقلَ استيعابِ
يومًا أمضيتهُ في شوارع لندن مساراتٌ يخلوها منطقِ
في كل طوبةٍ وشرفةٍ
رأيتكِ في قدرتي على تنفس هواءَ الصيفِ
على أسفلتٍ لونه عدمٍ باحت إدراجي عبثيةَ الموتِ
ليلتها زرتِيني مرةً اخرى
مُلأكِ حياةً وراحةَ
"إنّي بعافية ترى"
بسمةُ وجدانٍ
اعتلت أطرافَ الشفتانِ برفقٍ
وارتسمَتْ بضياءِ الملتقى بهجةً وكأن القلبَ هواءٌ
أردتُ الإتباعَ
سلاسلُ ذهبٍ تدلّت من لا-سماءَ وفواكهُ ذهبٍ مغذيةٍ
أغوار لولا أبصرها منامي لكانت خيالًا
في جوفهِا الأحباب إذ ناشدتي
وهكذا انجرف عني الملتقى
قد أردتُ القدرَ ولو لحظَ عينٍ يوهبني

الجزء الثالث: كيم كارداشيان في أحلامي

 كيم كاردشيان في أحلامي
ليلة تلو أخراها، أيامًا أحلم بكِ وليالي أراها
الحزن: جزئين له، التمّسك بوزنِ
ما افتقدتهُ وما حظيتَ بهِ وما يبقى
وتارةً ألقي الوزنَ ليرتاحَ على طاولة سريري الجانبيةِ
تقول كيم سأبكي في نهاية يومي حين تخف نضارة تبرجي
قواعد حزنٍ غير متوقعةِ
في أيِّ لحظةٍ بإمكانه أن يُستَدعى
فأحيانًا كأني أعلقهُ
كعبائتكِ المعطرةِ على بابِ غرفتكِ
تنتظرُ لابِسها وبتموجاتها توحي الوزنِ


Part I: Black silk they call an ocean

Dangling from a sky stripped of its colors
Black silk they call an ocean
Today, it wears a dress of mourning 
I am astounded; is this the ocean of my childhood? 
Or was it called Bahrain [two-seas] because in its conditions, it is ever-changing

A few hours ago, I saw you in [my] sleep
Brimming with a health of shades of gold and light
In moments, on a ship [airplane]
The sky will increase in darkness
Causing the blackness of the sea to fade into sky
But for a moment, a mighty mourning procession 
Black silk pumping the waves of heartache
A mourning procession, precisely timed
between sunset and nighttime, for the arrival of its mourner

The plane lands home, for the one that embodies home
So, the procession of black silk greeted us
Its banner a deep sky
Its mottos in shades of gray embroidered
with soft threads, dyed with the purity of your being
As the banner touched my aches
the sounds of its fluttering escalated, wailing, in a still sky
eulogizing the mother of mothers

I followed the crowd of mourning
I swam in it
I knew that gently, it took me to you, home
While my body was in its agony
[like] Zainab mourning Hussain
[like] The winged one arriving one without his rider

I collapsed to pebbles and sand
Sitting on a seat overlooking universes
Legs no longer supported me
So, the suppleness of the night held me, consoling

It said [be] gentle when you throw
your hands skywards and strike your chest down
We came crawling [at first], then we walked
and ran at the sight of the sea procession
to entangle [ourselves] in your clothes, perfumed and fluttering
A breeze in an inscrutable thunderstorm
Saying, even in death, do not be sad
I approached the mighty silk procession
and I followed you, O’ home of my home

Part II: Three encounters in the meeting-space

One, your eldest son holding us tight 
Three squirming bodies in place 
Broken-hearted, but in his grip committed
That dawn, as far as I knew, everything was still fine 
It was just a strange dream, after all
A mind playing a film reel of things it had never experienced, just scenes
Weeks later, I would learn that he had held you on a hospital route 
The three of us, were you 

Two, after a sleepless night 
I saw in your hair the passing of my fingers 
Tracing the contours of your arm and feet 
[You] Asleep in fluorescent lights, a sanitized whiteness 
beeping sounds and buttoned green lights [form] your nighttime skies 
[Me] Asleep in my own bed,   
a brick chimney visible 
and the faint sounds of London night time buses

I found you in the meeting-space
You were a toddler 
Afraid at times 
I stroked her hair in its strands
Like a winter’s mist, fleeting and soft
Curled up against the side of its owner’s face
You hadn’t uttered your first words
Yet you spoke through a knowing stare 

Then she was a girl of seven or eight 
She hugged me while jumping a rope of joy 
It is a dream, after all
She laughed; her smile quick to fade 
I told her, we are yet to meet
But your soul carries oceans, ethereal cascades 
She said the world asks too much 
I passed my fingers through the strands
Until her teenage years came
Still in my arms; her hair curled up around my fingers 
In a tightening embrace
Until she became a mother who knew me 
After that
She would hold me before I held her 
I woke up held,
You can never pay back the favor 

Three, you had passed that morning 
Back to the creator, joining the madness of eternity
All day, I walked the streets of London in patterns that are senseless
In every brick and terrace 
I saw you and in my own ability to breathe the summer air  
On asphalt the color of what is no longer, my pace is as absurd as death shows itself to be
That night you visited me, again 
You were full of life, and ease 
I am well, you see
You smiled with your entire self
[a smile] that gently sat above the lips
But it [the smile] was drawn by the light of the meeting-space, euphoric as if the heart were air
I wanted to follow [you]
Chains of gold dangling from a non-sky and fruits of gold which nourished 
Caves—had my sleep not seen them, a fantasy—
where your loved ones can be conjured 
The meeting-space drifted past me
But I wanted fate to allow me [to stay] a while longer 

Part III: Kim Kardashian is in my dreams

Kim Kardashian is in my dreams.
It alternates, some days I dream of you, some nights of her
Two parts [to grief]: holding on to the weight
of what I have lost, what I had, what I [always] have 
And occasionally moving that weight to the bedside table for it to rest
Kim says “I’ll cry at the end of the day with not-fresh makeup”
Unexpected facets of grief, 
It can be summoned at any moment
that it sometimes seems I could hang it up
Like your perfumed abaya [hanging] on your bedroom door,
awaiting its wearer, its ripples giving its weight away ◆

Rawan Maki is a Bahraini fashion designer and PhD researcher in Design for Sustainability at the London College of Fashion. In her research, Rawan theoretically explores non-Western definitions for sustainability in design. In her practice, Rawan designs collections inspired by sustainability principles and creating a long-lasting relationship with garments. Rawan also writes poetry, in Arabic and English, is a founding member of the “Fashion and Ethnicity” interest group at UAL, and acts as a coordinator for Fashion Revolution. Find her on Twitter and Instagram: @rawanmaki.